samedi 23 août 2008

french police knows everything about claquos

Pour une fois un truc qui m'a plus fait rire qu'affligé, je devrais lire les aviateurs plus souvent:

"Avis aux passengers traveling from ici
Following a rapport confidentiel of the famous french services secrets, les collègues have discovered que the coulant baraqué could be used by the terroristes qui pourraient opening the claquos in the airplane and tenter to take control of the airplane dont on cause by asphyxie of the crew and passengers.

For this reason, we have decidé that all kind of camembert, spécialy celui made in Afganistan, should not be allowed onboard the french airplanes and tous les autres aussi.

If you repère an individu suspect with a baguette, a coup de rouge and a claquos in his besace, faites très carrefull because it will be à coup sûr un terroriste that looks like a clodo.

If the individu have some gruyère, it is certainement a swiss, alors you don't need to prévenir the police.

If you have a doute, contactez-nous because french police knows everything about claquos (and the glass of red qui va avec) and how surtout to désamorce a camembert that commence à couler. Ask for the AOC (artificier d'origine calvados). They are facile à reconnaître, after they have mixed pas mal de red avec the claquos, they sing à tue-tête:

'j'irais revoir ma normandiiiiiie'...

Lien de merde
recherche google: like a clodo
potentiel chronophage: 15 minutes si t'aimes les navions

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